Thursday, September 30, 2010

EarthKeepers Landscaping

Arman Saniano is now landscaping the front lawn!! Arman wanted waterfalls but that can wait. Right now a "kawa" with fish will do, and soil, sod and grass, a trellis for the vines. He says it's the kind of landscaping that will grow into beauty rather than have plants that will just grow wild and unruly after lack of maintenance.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Garden growing

The weeds/grass has almost completely covered the front lawn. There are budding rambutans, the flowering vines (begonias and blue bells) are climbing the sagging fence. There is a new gate with an arch made of bamboo and two bougainvillas with variegated leaves were planted on either side, to meet up in the arch and replace the bamboo in the future. The impatiens have been planted next to a row of santan, the pandanus took a place near the fence and the hill. The runo, ritual plant of the cordilleras stand health just below the master bedroom window.

Papaya ang malunggay have been planted at the backyard (someone else's property, actually) and climbing ivy is now growing near the wall. Already imagining all this in three years or so.

Gina and Cely did a great job, with the help of Cely's husband and brood. OF course the sili labuyo, two of them, will never be sacrificed for any ornamental plant.

Other plans: Dill and Duranta right outside the fence.